Explore Department Page

The Departments page specifies the various departments which the hospital deals with. It lists out all the departments where in the hospital can function to treat the patients.

Departments Page

UI Design of a Healthcare Website

A healthcare website must be of the quality that anyone can feel free to book an appointment for the hospital the website vouches for. A healthcare website must consist of all important information regarding the hospital and website. In this article we will cover some basic designing principles and will learn how to design the UI of healthcare website.

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The home page must consist of basic details about the website, regarding the directors, health ministers and deans of the hospital. It should be simple & subtle....

About Us

The About us page tells us about the website, the introduction & vision it aims to achieve and it’s functions which it performs through the website....

Appointment Page

The Appointment Page consists of a form like structure that allows users to fill in for appointment at different centres of the hospital sites....

Explore Department Page

The Departments page specifies the various departments which the hospital deals with. It lists out all the departments where in the hospital can function to treat the patients....


Using the above designing principles and healthcare web UI practices, one can easily achieve the goal of creating a beautiful & elegant healthcare website so as in to provide an ease to the customers while selecting the hospitals for their treatment....