Explore more about some Common Fruits

  • Apple- Grows in Europe, America, Asia & other places. Apples are in various colours, like green, red. Ripe red apples taste sweet, whereas green apples taste sour. Lots of dishes can be made from apples.
  • Avocados– also known as ‘alligator pears’, are grown in Central Mexico & are the prime ingredient for guacamole. They are rich in terms of healthy fats, vitamin E, proteins & potassium.
  • Apricot– resemble a small peach & are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, healthy phytochemicals & fibre.
  • Abiu– found in the Amazon region & warm & wet places. Abiu is a small oval-shaped fruit with a pointy end. It tastes like creamy caramel.
  • Bananas – They are grown all over the world & are eaten in raw as well as ripe form. Ripe bananas have sweet, tender flesh & red or yellow peel, whereas raw bananas have tougher flesh & green peel.
  • Blackberries are commonly grown in Southwestern Asia. When young, these berries are pale in colour & turn dark black when ripe. They are rich in Vitamins E, K & C.
  • Blueberries are perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries & are rich in antioxidants, Vitamins C & K.
  • Baels are found in Southeast Asia & India. They taste sweet & smell aromatic.
  • Cranberries are common in the US & are red in colour. They are rich in antioxidants & have a tart taste.
  • Cherries are sweet little red fruits which can be eaten either fresh or used to garnish desserts & are a rich source of Vitamins A & C.
  • Dates – Brownish, sweet, one-seeded fruits, grown mostly in the Middle East region & can be used as a natural sweetener.
  • Dragon fruits have white flesh with a red peel & numerous black seeds. Rich in iron & can be eaten with salads or yoghourt.
  • Figs are Mediterranean fruits that are often dried & are used as dry fruits. They taste sweet & have a chewy texture.
  • Guava is a tropical fruit that has either whitish-yellow or pink flesh filled with edible seeds & is rich in Vitamin C.
  • Grapes – Found in various colours & tastes, can be eaten fresh or fermented.
  • Grapefruit – Sour & sweet hybrid of pomelo & orange. A rich source of vitamin C.

Fruits Name in English

Fruits Names: A fruit, is a part of a plant that contains seeds that can be eaten as food. Fruits are a critical source of food, as they have essential nutritive value. They can be sweet or sour & can be eaten raw as well. They have commercial value as well as they are used in manufacturing foods. When it comes to learning a new language, one of the first things a child is made familiar with, are the names of various fruits & vegetables. Learning the names of vegetables will enhance their vocabulary & knowledge. Also by being familiar with the names of different fruits, one gets to know about the uses of different fruits. This would help in learning the various benefits of the different exotic fruits available worldwide & not just the regular fruits we see in the country we live in.

Names of Fruits in English

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Explore more about some Common Fruits

Apple- Grows in Europe, America, Asia & other places. Apples are in various colours, like green, red. Ripe red apples taste sweet, whereas green apples taste sour. Lots of dishes can be made from apples. Avocados– also known as ‘alligator pears’, are grown in Central Mexico & are the prime ingredient for guacamole. They are rich in terms of healthy fats, vitamin E, proteins & potassium. Apricot– resemble a small peach & are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, healthy phytochemicals & fibre. Abiu– found in the Amazon region & warm & wet places. Abiu is a small oval-shaped fruit with a pointy end. It tastes like creamy caramel. Bananas – They are grown all over the world & are eaten in raw as well as ripe form. Ripe bananas have sweet, tender flesh & red or yellow peel, whereas raw bananas have tougher flesh & green peel. Blackberries are commonly grown in Southwestern Asia. When young, these berries are pale in colour & turn dark black when ripe. They are rich in Vitamins E, K & C. Blueberries are perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries & are rich in antioxidants, Vitamins C & K. Baels are found in Southeast Asia & India. They taste sweet & smell aromatic. Cranberries are common in the US & are red in colour. They are rich in antioxidants & have a tart taste. Cherries are sweet little red fruits which can be eaten either fresh or used to garnish desserts & are a rich source of Vitamins A & C. Dates – Brownish, sweet, one-seeded fruits, grown mostly in the Middle East region & can be used as a natural sweetener. Dragon fruits have white flesh with a red peel & numerous black seeds. Rich in iron & can be eaten with salads or yoghourt. Figs are Mediterranean fruits that are often dried & are used as dry fruits. They taste sweet & have a chewy texture. Guava is a tropical fruit that has either whitish-yellow or pink flesh filled with edible seeds & is rich in Vitamin C. Grapes – Found in various colours & tastes, can be eaten fresh or fermented. Grapefruit – Sour & sweet hybrid of pomelo & orange. A rich source of vitamin C....

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FAQs on Names of Fruits

Name some fruits that start with the letter ‘A’....