F- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

Term Abbreviation

Full Form


Floppy Disc


Floppy Disc Drive


File Allocation Table


First In First Out


Frequency Modulation


Formula Translation


Frames Per Second


File Transfer Protocol


Fiber Optics


Floating Point Operations Per Second

Computer Related Terms Abbreviations (A To Z Full Forms)

Computer Related Terms Abbreviations are one of the most important topics needed for SSC and Banking Exams. Having a sound knowledge of these is a must to excel in this section of the exam. Many competitive exams, such as the UPSC, SSC, banking exams, and various state-level competitive tests, include sections on general knowledge or general awareness. Knowledge of computer terms is a part of this.

In this article, we will cover almost every important Computer Related Term and Abbreviation from A To Z including the Full form of Computers and many other useful concepts related to competitive exams.

Table of Content

  • Computer Related Terms Abbreviations
  • A- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • B- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • C- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • D- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • E- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • F- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • G- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • H- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • I- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • J- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • K- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • L- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • M- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • N- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • O- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • P- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • Q- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • R- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • S – Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • T- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • U- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • V-Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • W-Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • X-Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • Y- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation
  • Z – Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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A- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation



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B- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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C- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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D- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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E- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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F- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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H- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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I- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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J- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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K- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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M- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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W-Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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Y- Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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Z – Computer Related Terms Abbreviation

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Computer Related Terms Abbreviations- FAQs

What is the full form of LLL in computer?...