Facilities and Infrastructure of National Creche Scheme

Under the scheme, creche centres are established to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children. These centres should have certain facilities and infrastructure to meet the needs of the children.

For example, the centers should have outdoor spaces with shaded areas, clean and safe play areas, and well-plastered walls for displaying pictorial material . The centers should also have proper ventilation and lighting arrangements, including fans, tube lights, and inverters in case of frequent power cuts .

The implementation of the scheme is carried out through the respective State Governments, which may involve other voluntary or non-governmental organisations if required . The State Governments are responsible for identifying suitable locations for creche centers based on surveys and mapping of existing creches . They also coordinate with local leaders and stakeholders to ensure community support and involvement in the program.

The service delivery aspect of the scheme focuses on enrolling children below 3 years of age and providing them with a conducive learning environment. This includes adhering to fixed timings for the creche, arranging indoor and outdoor play materials, and ensuring the availability of supplementary nutrition . The scheme also emphasises the involvement of self-help groups and women’s groups in the supply of supplementary nutrition .

Financial management is an important aspect of the scheme, with the maintenance of records of assets acquired through government grants and the timely submission of expenditure statements and audited accounts. The scheme also encourages the collection of user charges, which can be utilised for the welfare of the children

National Creche Scheme

The National Creche Scheme is a vital initiative that addresses the needs of working parents and fosters early childhood development in India. Established to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children while their parents are at work, this scheme has become a cornerstone in the country’s efforts to promote gender equality, workforce productivity, and the well-being of the younger generation.

Table of Content

  • What is the National Creche Scheme?
  • Facilities and Infrastructure of National Creche Scheme
  • Features of National Creche Scheme
  • Significance of National Creche Scheme
  • Benefits of the National Creche Scheme
  • Impact on Families and Society

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