Factors Affecting Water Electrolysis

There are various factors that can affect the speed of electrolysis of water, such factors are:

  • Addition of Acid
  • Addition of Base
  • Addition of Salt
  • Presence of Electrocataylst

Affect of each of them is given below,

Electrolysis of Water in Presence of Acid

Electrolysis process of water does not change when it is electrolyzed in the presence of acids, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl) or sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Acids, only raise hydrogen ion (H+) concentration in the solution, which speeds up electrolysis process and increases amount of hydrogen gas produced at cathode.

Electrolysis of Water in Presence of Base

Electrolysis of water operates on the same principle as pure water when a base, such as potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH), is present. Concentration of hydroxide ions (OH) in the solution is increased by bases, which has an impact on the electrolysis process and the solution’s conductivity. A base can increase the amount of hydrogen gas produced at the cathode, just like acids can.

Electrolysis of Water in Presence of Salt

Dissociation of salts into their component ions upon dissolution in water can have an impact on the solution’s conductivity during electrolysis. Salts can modify the electrolysis process by adding more ions to the solution, which could have an impact on the distribution of hydrogen and oxygen gas production at the electrodes.

Water Electrolysis using Electrocatalyst

Materials known as electrocatalysts speed up the necessary chemical processes while requiring less energy to occur, which helps to facilitate the electrolysis process. By encouraging the breakdown of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gasses during the electrolysis of water, electrocatalysts can increase the process’ efficiency.

Electrolysis of Water

Electrolysis of Water is a process in which water is split into hydrogen and oxygen gas when electricity is passed through it. This process occurs in an electrolyzer, which consists of two electrodes (anode and cathode) submerged in a water-based electrolyte solution.

In this article, we will learn about Electrolysis of Water, Principle and Process of Water Electrolysis, along its advantages.

Table of Content

  • What is Electrolysis of Water?
  • Principle of Electrolysis of Water
  • Factors Affecting Water Electrolysis
  • Process of Electrolysis of Water
  • Electrolysis of Water Advantages

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