Class 12 History Subsistence Strategies of Harappan Civilization

What are the subsistence strategies of Harappan civilization Class 12?

The Harappans also relied on fishing and hunting for subsistence. They fished in the rivers and oceans, and hunted wild animals for meat. These activities were particularly important in areas where agriculture was not possible, such as in the mountains.

What was the economic strategy of Harappan civilization?

Harrapan people were mostly peasants and thus the Harappan civilization was an agricultural commercial civilization. Evidences of hoe and plough have been found in Kalibangan and Banawali. Harrapans domesticated sheep, goat, buffalo and pig. They also knew about tiger, camel, elephant, tortoise, deer, various birds, etc.

What were the two important sources of Harappan economy?

The Indus Valley’s economy was largely based on agriculture and animal husbandry. They grew a variety of crops, including wheat, barley, cotton, cereals, dates, etc. They were the first to cultivate cotton. They also domesticated animals like cows, buffalo, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, etc.

What are the agricultural techniques of Harappan civilization?

Harappans grew wheat, barley, pulses, peas, rice, sesame, linseed, and mustard. They also developed some new tools known as plough and was used to dig earth for planting the seeds and turning the soil. A method of irrigation was used due to less rainfall. The Harappan reared cattle sheep, goat, and buffalo.

What kind of subsistence pattern prevailed in Harappan culture?

The Harappans ate a wide range of plant and animal products, including fish and meat, wheat, maize, millets, pulses, rice and another eatables. Cattle, sheep, goat, buffalo and pig were domesticated by the Harappans for their sustenance.

What is the settlement pattern of Harappa culture?

During the town planning of the Harappan civilization, settlements were divided into a citadel and a lower town. People from the Indus constructed roadways, homes, structures, and buildings. The buildings were constructed with bricks in the ratio 1:2:4 whether they were in Rajasthan, Punjab, or Sindh.

Subsistence Strategies of Harappan Civilization| Class 12 History

Subsistence Strategies of the Harappan Civilization is a subpart of the Class 12 history. The subpart is described under the chapter “Bricks, Beads, and Bones”. It gives us an idea of the ancient Harappan Civilization and its people and how they gather foods and fulfill their basic needs for their survival.

But the cultivation was the foremost Subsistence Strategy that they followed. Archeologists and historians found so much evidence of the bones of the different animals and it proved that they also consumed meat as their food.

In this article, we will discuss the Class 12 History: Subsistence Strategies of Harappan Civilization subpart in detail.

Subsistence Strategies of Harappan Civilization| Class 12 History

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