FAQs about Use of (a + b)²

What is the use of (A +B)2 in real life?

In real life, the formula (a + b)² is used to find the area of a square by squaring the sum of its sides.

What does (a + b)² represent?

(a + b)² expands to a² + 2ab + b².

Is (a + b)² always positive?

Yes, (a + b)2 is always positive.

How is (a + b)² different from a² + b²?

(a + b)² represents the square of the sum of “a” and “b,” whereas a² + b² represents the sum of the squares of “a” and “b” separately. The difference is that the expansion of (a + b)² includes the term 2ab.

Use of (a+b)² in Real Life

The formula (a + b)², is often taught in basic algebra classes this simple formula represents the square of a sum and it is used in many practical situations like calculating areas and volumes and understanding financial concepts.

This article looks at the (a + b)² formula and how it is used beyond textbooks. We will break down the formula explain why it is important and show how it is used in different industries.

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FAQs about Use of (a + b)²

What is the use of (A +B)2 in real life?...