FAQs obout Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion

What is Uniform Motion?

When a body travels with constant velocity along a straight line and covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, irrespective of the time duration, the body is said to be in Uniform Motion and the acceleration of the body is zero.

Example: A car moving at constant speed along the highway.

What is Non-Uniform Motion?

When a body travels at odd speeds and doesn’t cover equal distances at equal time intervals, irrespective of the duration of time, the body is said to be in non-uniform motion and the acceleration of the body will be non-zero.

Example: Motion of bees in the garden.

What are Uniform Motion and Non-Uniform Motion Examples?

Example of Uniform Motion are:

  • Motion of Pendulum in space
  • Motion of Plane cruising at a constant speed

Example of Non-Uniform Motion are:

  • Motion of fish in the river
  • Motion of Asteroids

What is Difference between Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion?

The basic difference between the uniform and the uniform system is that in uniform motion, the velocity of the body is constant whereas in non-uniform motion the velocity of the body is not constant.

Define Uniform Circular Motion.

Uniform Circular Motion is the motion of an object about a fixed point with constant velocity. For example motion of satellites around a planet represent the uniform circular motion.

What are the 10 examples of non uniform motion?

Examples of non-uniform motion include:

  1. a car accelerating or decelerating
  2. a swinging pendulum losing speed due to friction
  3. a bouncing ball slowing down as it rises
  4. a roller coaster moving through twists and turns at varying speeds
  5. a person jogging with changes in speed
  6. a swinging door gradually coming to a stop
  7. a rocket gradually speeding up in space
  8. a falling object affected by air resistance
  9. a train starting from rest and gradually gaining speed, and
  10. a boat navigating through waves.

What is uniform or non uniform force?

A uniform force is one that acts consistently throughout an object, exerting the same amount of force at all points. A non-uniform force varies in magnitude and/or direction across the object it acts upon.

What are 7 types of motion?

The seven types of motion include:

  1. Translational motion
  2. Rotational motion
  3. Circular motion
  4. Oscillatory motion
  5. Linear motion
  6. Periodic motion
  7. Random motion

What is uniform motion and constant motion?

Uniform motion refers to motion at a constant speed and direction. Constant motion implies motion with a consistent speed but does not specify whether the direction is constant.

Is oscillatory motion a uniform motion?

No, oscillatory motion is not uniform. It involves repetitive back-and-forth movement around a central point or equilibrium position, typically with varying velocities.

Is periodic motion uniform or non-uniform?

Periodic motion can be either uniform or non-uniform. It depends on whether the motion repeats at regular intervals with the same speed and direction (uniform) or if there are variations in speed, direction, or both (non-uniform) during each cycle.

Can non-uniform motion be periodic?

Yes, non-uniform motion can be periodic if it follows a repetitive pattern or cycle, even if the speed or direction changes during each cycle.

Is fan an example of uniform-circular motion?

Yes, a fan is an example of uniform circular motion if it rotates at a constant speed around its axis.

What is uniform circular motion class 10th?

In class 10th physics, uniform circular motion refers to the motion of an object moving in a circle at a constant speed, with its velocity changing direction constantly but maintaining a consistent magnitude.

What is non-uniform circular motion class 9th?

Non-uniform circular motion in a class 9th context would involve an object moving in a circular path with its speed changing at different points along the path.

What’s uniform velocity?

Uniform velocity refers to the motion of an object at a constant speed and in a straight line, with no change in direction.

What is uniform motion also known as?

Uniform motion is also known as constant motion or rectilinear motion, depending on the context of the motion.

Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion

If an object moving along a straight line covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, it is said to be in uniform motion otherwise the motion is said to be non-uniform.

Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion are two types of motion based on the rate of covering distance per unit of time. In the case of Uniform Motion, the rate of covering distance per unit time is the same while in the case of Non-Uniform Motion, the rate of covering distance per unit time is different.

In this article, we will learn about Uniform Motion, Non-Uniform Motion, Graph of Uniform Motion, Graph of Non-Uniform Motion, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • Uniform Motion
  • Non-Uniform Motion
  • Uniform and Non-Uniform Circular Motion
  • What are Uniform Circular Motion?
  • What are Non-Uniform Circular Motion?

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FAQs obout Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion

What is Uniform Motion?...