Agile Methodology Tutorial

What are the main ideas of Agile?

Ans: Agile has four big ideas and twelve principles. It values people working together and being able to adapt to changes rather than sticking strictly to a plan.

What are Agile frameworks?

Ans: Agile frameworks are specific methods or ways to do Agile. Some examples are Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), and Lean.

Who is a Scrum Master?

Ans: A Scrum Master is like a leader for the team in Scrum. They help the team follow the rules of Scrum, solve any problems that come up, and make sure the team works well together.

What is a Sprint?

Ans: A Sprint is a short period in Scrum, usually 2-4 weeks, where the team works on a small part of the project. At the end of each Sprint, they should have something they could show to the customer.

What is a User Story?

Ans: A User Story is a simple way of describing what a user wants in the project. It follows a basic format: “As a [user type], I want [an action] so that [benefit/value].”

What is Kanban?

Ans: Kanban is a way of doing Agile that focuses on keeping work moving smoothly. It’s good for projects where things need to be delivered regularly and without big delays.

How does Agile deal with changes?

Ans: Agile likes changes. It’s okay to change plans even in the middle of a project. This is because Agile works in small steps, and it’s easy to adjust things as needed.

Agile Methodology Tutorial

Agile Tutorial is also known as Agile methodology, it covers fundamental and advanced agile concepts which are necessary to learn with Agile. It’s suitable for both beginners friendly and professionals. Agile is a simple approach to software development with a short span of 1 to 4 weeks. It makes quick and minimal changes in software arrangement. The benefits of agile methodology include customer contentment through rapid, continuous development, and timely delivery of valuable software.

Agile project management is the usual way of managing projects often doesn’t keep up with the changing needs. That’s where Agile comes in – it’s a new and powerful way of working that helps teams provide results quicker and more effectively.

Agile Methodology Tutorial

Table of Content

  • What is Agile Methodology?
  • Agile Methodology Tutorial
  • Prerequisite
  • Reasons to learn Agile Methodology
  • Agile Methodology Features
  • FAQs on Agile Methodology Tutorial

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Agile Methodology Tutorial

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Agile Methodology Features

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