Amendments of the Indian Constitution

What are the limitations of amending the Constitution of India?

The only limitation is that the parliament cannot amend any of the basic provisions of the constitution using Article 368 of the constitution. Such a limitation came after various Supreme Court judgments.

What are the subjects of our Constitution Cannot be amended?

The basic features as per the Basic Structure Doctrine of the Indian Constitution given by the Supreme Court, such as the supremacy of the constitution, the rigidity of the Constitution, sovereignty, territorial integrity, the federal system, separation of powers, fundamental rights, independence of the Judiciary, judicial review, conduction of free and fair elections, secularism, etc are not amendable through Article 368.

What are the fundamental rights Cannot be amended?

The Parliament of India have the right to amend the constitution from time to time to meet the current law needs and aspiration of the country’s citizens. However, as per the Hon’ble Supreme Court “all provisions of the Constitution, including fundamental rights, can be subject to amendment, but Parliament cannot alter/ ignore the basic structure of the Constitution.

Which article of the Constitution grants the power to amend the constitution to the Indian Parliament?

Article 368 (1) of Part XX of the Constitution of India grants power to Parliament to amend the constitution including addition, variations, or ratification, and repeal of any provision of the constitution.

How many constitutional amendments have been made by the Indian Parliament so far?

As of September 2023, There are 105 amendments to the Constitution of India since it was first enacted in 1950. The 105th Amendment Act of 2021 brought the latest amendment to the Indian Constitution. It was made to clarify that the states can maintain the “state list” of OBCs.

What are the 5 most important amendments in Indian Constitution?

Here are the 5 most important amendments in Indian Constitution:

  1. First Freedoms of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition.
  2. Second Right to Bear Arms.
  3. Third Lodging troops in private homes.
  4. Forth Search and Seizure.
  5. Fifth Rights of the Accused

What is the latest amendment in the Indian Constitution?

105th Amendment Act of 2021 is the latest amendment in the Constitution of India. For more go to the Latest amendment in Indian Constitution.

Amendment in Indian Constitution: Procedure, Types, Importance

The Amendment to the Indian Constitution ensures that the provisions and interpretation of the Constitution remain relevant in the changing times. The topic was highly debatable for several years until the landmark judgment in the Kesavananda Bharati case resolved the conflicts surrounding it. From the first case of Shankari Prasad to the last judgment of Kesavananda over the issue of amendment in the constitution, it created much chaos for political thinkers and Indian citizens over the infringement of their fundamental rights.

In this article, we are going to cover the Method, Procedure, List of Important Amendments in the Indian Constitution, Types of Amendment and constitutional Amendment Process in India, and many more.

Table of Content

  • Amendment in the Constitution of India under Article 368
  • Total Amendments in the Indian Constitution Till 2023
  • Method of Amendments in the Indian Constitution
  • Amendment of Indian Constitution Procedure
  • Types of Amendments in Indian Constitution
  • 1. Amendment by Simple Majority
  • 2. Amendment by Special Majority of the Parliament
  • 3. Amendment by Special Majority and Ratification by the States
  • List of Important Amendments in Indian Constitution
  • First Amendment Act, 1951
  • Importance of Amendments in the Indian Constitution
  • Amendment of Fundamental Rights
  • FAQs on Amendments of the Indian Constitution

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