Area Formulas

Q1: What are Area Formulas?


The area formulas are the formulas which are used to find the area of any figure. It is used to find the amount of space occupied by the figure. Generally, the area is represented with the letter ‘A’. and is measured in unit2, i.e. cm2, m2, etc.

Q2: What is the Area Formula For Square?


The area formula for a square is the formula to calculate the space occupied by the square. The mathematical formula to calculate the area of the square is,

Area of Square = (side)2

Q3: What is the Area Formula For Rectangle?


The area formula for a rectangle is the formula to calculate the space occupied by the rectangle. The mathematical formula to calculate the area of the rectangle is,

Area of Rectangle = Length × Breadth

Q4: What is the Area Formula For Triangle?


The area formula for a triangle is the formula to calculate the space occupied by the triangle. The mathematical formula to calculate the area of the triangle is,

Area of Triangle = 1/2(base × height)

Q5: What is the Area Formula For Circle?


The area formula for a circle is the formula to calculate the space occupied by the circle. The mathematical formula to calculate the area of the circle is,

Area of Circle = π(radius)2

Q6: What is the Area Formula For Quadrilateral?


The area formula for a quadrilateral is the formula to calculate the space occupied by the quadrilateral. The mathematical formula to calculate the area of the quadrilateral is,

Area of Quadrilateral = 1/2 × diagonal× sum of height

Area of Shapes

Area is the space occupied inside by the boundary of any figure. It is the total surface covered by the perimeter of the figure. It is measured in square units. It is generally calculated by multiplying the bases of the figure with its length. For example, the area of the room is its length multiplied by its breadth.

In this article we will be learning about, some figures and their areas like the square, rectangle, circle, triangle, and others.

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FAQs on Area Formulas

Q1: What are Area Formulas?...