Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable

What does Biodegradable mean?

A biodegradable substance or material is one that quickly breaks down by bacteria or other natural organisms naturally without contributing to pollution. For example, vegetable and fruit peel get degraded naturally bu the bacteria in the soil.

What does Non Biodegradable mean?

A non-biodegradable substance or material is a material which does not break down naturally in the environment and remains in the environment for a really long period of time if remains untreated. For example, plastics if not treated say stay in the environment for several thousand years without degrading.

What is the difference between Biodegradable and Non Biodegradable Waste?

Biodegradable waste can naturally decompose through biological processes, turning into harmless substances like water, carbon dioxide, and compost (e.g., food scraps, paper). Non-biodegradable waste cannot break down naturally and persists in the environment for long periods, potentially causing pollution (e.g., plastics, metals).

What are Biodegradable and Non Biodegradable Substances?

Substances which can easily degrade in the environment naturally are called biodegradable substances example vegetable peels, newspapers, natural cloth and others. Whereas substances which can not easily degrade in the environment naturally are called no-biodegradable substances example plastic, metals and others.

How does Biodegradable Waste affect the Environment?

Biodegradable materials are decomposed down by microorganisms, for instance, bacteria and fungi. They degrade down into simpler soluble substances and are therefore, used as a source of nutrients by these organisms. Some of these materials mix well into the soil thereby increasing its fertility. 

How Non Biodegradable Substances affect the environment?

Non-Biodegradable materials are not decomposed naturally and stay in the environment for a long time polluting the environment. They cause various types of pollution and diseases to plants and animals.

How are things Biodegraded?

The process of biodegradation is initiated mainly by the microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. Microorganisms depend on their enzymes to start the breakdown of substances. This process is carried in the presence of suitable optimum conditions like temperature, moisture, pH of the medium, oxygen level. Biological catalysts such as enzymes can be used to increase the rate of the reaction.  

Biodegradable and Non Biodegradable

Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable are types of waste materials (or substances) that are categorized on the basis of their degradation. Biodegradable materials can be decomposed or broken down by microorganisms and other living organisms while Non-Biodegradable materials cannot be decomposed or broken down by microorganisms and other living organisms rather leading to pollution.

Let’s learn about them in detail.

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