Blood Groups

Question 1: Mention the types of blood groups that are identified by the ABO blood grouping system.


The types of blood groups that are identified by the ABO blood grouping systems are A, B, AB, O

Question 2: What is the reason we call the AB blood group people a Universal Recipient?


An individual who has group AB blood can get blood from an individual with some other blood types – A, B or O. Group AB blood contains red platelets that have the two antigens A and B and thus does not have reactive antibodies in its plasma to these antigens, which are found in some other blood classifications. On account of its capacity to get blood from various kinds of blood groups, blood group AB is called the Universal recipient.

Question 3: Describe the reason the blood is divided into groups.


The division of blood groups relies upon the presence of a glycoprotein unit in the blood cell. Varieties in the composition of these units are the basis of differences in blood groups. Within the ABO group, four significant categories are separated into eight normal blood types: A, B, O, and AB.

Question 4: Explain the Blood Group matching before blood Transfusion.


Blood group matching is an unquestionable necessity before blood transfusion as giving the right blood to a patient during transfusion is imperatively significant. This implies ensuring that the donor’s blood is compatible with the patient’s blood, limiting responses during transfusion, and keeping away from any catastrophic consequences. Assuming blood is given to a patient that has a blood type that is contradictory with the blood type of the blood that the patient gets, it can cause intravenous clumping in the patient’s blood which can be fatal.

Question 5: Red blood cells that do not contain either A or B antigens on their surface are normally found in the person with blood type___________?


The blood type where the Red blood cells do not contain either A or B antigens on their surface in the human is ‘O’ type blood.

Blood Groups – ABO Blood Group and Rh Group System

We discovered that all living cells must be provided with supplements, O2, and other fundamental substances. Likewise, the waste or destructive substances produced must be eliminated persistently for the healthy working of tissues. Therefore, it is, fundamental to have efficient mechanisms for the movement of these substances to the cells and from the cells. Unique groups of animals have developed various strategies for this transport. Primary living beings like sponges and coelenterates circulate water from their environmental factors through their body cavities to work with the cells to exchange these substances. More complex organisms utilize special liquids inside their bodies to transport such materials. Blood is the most generally used body fluid by the majority of the higher organisms including humans for this reason. Another body fluid, lymph, likewise helps in the transport of specific substances.

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Question 1: Mention the types of blood groups that are identified by the ABO blood grouping system....