Central Highlands

Q 1. What are central highlands?


Central highlands refer to the peninsular plateau which lies to the north of the Narmada River, which covers a major area of the Malwa Plateau.

Q 2. What are the features of the central highlands?


The features of central highlands include:

  1. They are covered with the Aravalli range in North Western as well as the Vindhya range in the South.
  2. In the west, it is present in the rocky and sandy desert which is situated in Rajasthan.

Q 3. What are known as central highlands?


The central highlands are a part of the Himalayan chain and include the main Hindu Kush range.

Write a short note on the Central Highlands

The Central Highlands are situated toward the north of the Narmada. It incorporates most of the Malwa level. Central Highlands covers the majority portion of the Malwa plateau. The waterways in this locale run from southwest to upper east, demonstrating the landscape’s slant. The west side is more extensive, though the east side is smaller. The levels toward the east extensions are known as the Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand. The Chotanagpur level addresses the further toward the east development, which is depleted by the Damodar stream.

Central Highlands

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Q 1. What are central highlands?...