Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

Q1: What is the inheritance theory based on chromosomes?


The chromosomal hypothesis of heredity holds that genes are found on chromosomes and that the inheritance patterns seen in offspring are caused by the behaviour of chromosomes during meiosis and fertilisation.

Q2: What is the history of the chromosomal theory of inheritance?


Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri, among others, studied the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and connected this to the inheritance of genetic features, which led to the development of the chromosomal theory of inheritance.

Q3: The chromosomal theory of inheritance involves what kinds of chromosomes?


The sex chromosome and the autosome are the two primary chromosome types involved in the chromosomal theory of heredity.

Q4: How do genetic disorders arise according to the chromosomal theory of inheritance? 


An additional or missing chromosome, chromosomal rearrangements that interfere with the expression of particular genes, or other anomalies in the number or structure of chromosomes can all cause genetic illnesses.

Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

The essential idea behind the chromosomal theory of inheritance is that genes are located on chromosomes and that the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis and fertilization provides the basis for inheritance patterns. In the early 1900s, pioneering geneticists Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri formulated this notion.

The theory is based on the finding that chromosomes are in charge of transmitting genetic features from generation to generation. During sexual reproduction, the chromosomes of each parent are coupled and then divided during meiosis to form gametes (sperm and egg cells) with one copy of each chromosome. When these gametes merge during fertilization, the resulting zygote has a full set of chromosomes, one from each parent.

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FAQs on Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

Q1: What is the inheritance theory based on chromosomes?...