FAQs On Cloud IAM For Access Control On GCP

1. What Are The Important IAM Roles In GCP?

There are three types of roles in GCP IAM they are Owner, Editor, and Viewer roles.

2. What Is IAM In GCP?

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

How to Use Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) For Access Control on GCP?

IAM defines “who can do what on which resource”. Cloud IAM (Identity Access Management) offers a standardized set of functions and integrates access management for Google Cloud services into a single solution. You can create and manage permissions for Google Cloud resources using the Identity and Access Management (IAM) service provided by Google Cloud. The appropriate tools are provided by Cloud IAM to efficiently and highly automate the management of resource rights. Users do not receive permissions directly from you, you give them roles instead, that combine one or more permissions. You can use this to relate jobs and groups within your organization to specific job responsibilities. Users only have access to the information they require to do their tasks, and administrators can easily give default permissions to huge groups of users.

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Feature of IAM

Integration with GSuite: Cloud IAM supports standard Google accounts. You can manage users and groups through the Google admin console, Here you can create IAM policies and grant permission to Google Group or Google Hosted Cloud Service Account using cloud identity. Built-in audit trail: It allows you to focus on business policies around your resources. It provides a unified view of the security policy of the entire organization with built-in auditing to ease compliance processes....

Roles in IAM

A role contains a set of permissions that allows you to perform specific actions on Google Cloud resources. In simple words, a role is a named list of permissions....

Types of IAM Roles


Steps to Set Up IAM Role (Using IAM Console)

Enter the google cloud console. Select Navigation menu > IAM & Admin > IAM. You are now in the “IAM & Admin” console. Click the +GRANT ACCESS / ADD button at the top of the page Paste the name of the user you want to grant the role to. In the Select a role field, hover over Basic from the drop-down menu to select the needed role. Click save....

Cons of Custom Roles

Custom roles can only be used to grant permissions in policies for the same project or organization that owns the roles or resources under them. You cannot grant custom roles from one project or organization on a resource owned by a different project or organization....

IAM Policies

An IAM policy specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources. IAM roles discussed above are part of policies. An IAM policy is attached to a cloud resource and specifies which principals have which roles for that particular resource. IAM policy can be declared using yaml or JSON format....

Audit Logs

Audit logs help you answer “Who did what, where, and when?”. Audit logs allow us to view all the changes that have happened on GCP resources. There are 4 types of audit logs supported in GCP....

How to View IAM Audit Logs

Step 1: Go to Logging> Logs Explorer from console navigation or by search bar....

Troubleshooting Access Control Issues Using Audit Logs

We are clear that the audit log provides information about who has accessed your resources and what permissions they have used. This can be used to identify unauthorized access or track down access control errors. Moreover you can apply different filters to acknowledge the issues (no need to learn to write queries)....

Applying Viewer Access Permission To Cloud Storage

Step 1: Create a Cloud Storage bucket with a unique name. From the Cloud Console, Go to the Navigation menu > Cloud Storage > Buckets....

Applications of IAM

A student who is enrolled in a particular course would be granted access to the course’s materials, such as lecture videos, assignments, and exams. He/She will not be allowed to access other material. Any website that collects personal information about its users may use Identity and Access Management (IAM) to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to this data. A developer might need access to all of the company’s code repositories, while a marketing manager might only need access to the website....

FAQs On Cloud IAM For Access Control On GCP

1. What Are The Important IAM Roles In GCP?...