Compounds and Mixtures

Question 1: What are the similarities between Compounds and Mixtures?


Following are the similarities between Compounds and Mixtures-

  • Combinations of compounds and mixtures can take any form or ratio. 
  • Both compounds and mixtures contain two or more different chemicals or components. 
  • Compounds and mixtures both share physical and chemical features. 
  • It is easy to separate the ingredients or parts of a compound or mixtures.

Question 2: What is the significance of Compounds and Mixtures?


Both Compounds and Mixtures are elemental parts of the matter. Both the chemical processes that sustain live organisms and those that regularly take place in nonliving substances need them.

Question 3: Differentiate between mixtures and compounds.




The substances in a mixture retain their original properties. The elements do not retain their properties and the product formed has new properties of its own.
The elements may or may not be in fixed ratio. The elements in a compound always combine in a fixed ratio by mass,

Question 4: Is water a compound or a mixture? Why or why not?


The chemical formula for water is H2O. This shows that 2 parts of hydrogen and 1 part of oxygen combine chemically to form water. Thus, water is a compound.

Question 5: Gold is a mixture or a compound? Give reason.


Gold is not a compound. Since, gold has no definite composition and made up of different types of atoms. So, gold is a mixture.

Question 6: Rohan said that sugar and water are a mixture while Ria says it is a compound. Who among the both is correct? Justify your answer.


 Rohan is correct as sugar and water mix together to form a mixture. They do not undergo any chemical reaction. The sugar just dissolves in the water and both of them can be physically separated using physical methods like evaporation.

Question 7: What do you mean by constituents of a mixture?


The substances that are mixed together to form a mixture are called its constituents. Example: Sugar and water are the constituents of sugar solution.

Question 8: How mixtures can be separated into its constituents?


Mixture can be separated by into its components using various physical methods of Separation of Mixtures like Filtration, Hand-picking, Threshing, Winnowing, Sieving, Sedimentation and decantation, Magnetic separation, Centrifugation, Evaporation, Distillation.

Difference Between Compound and Mixture

The matter is divided into three main types Compounds, Mixtures, and Elements. Pure substances are compounds. Impure substances are Mixtures. The key difference between compounds and mixtures is that a compound is made up of molecules, each of which is composed of two or more different types of chemically bound atoms. While the mixture is a combination of two or more elements or compounds that are combined physically rather than chemically. Let’s learn more about the differences between compounds and mixtures in this article!


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