Contraceptive Methods

Question 1: What should be the properties of an ideal contraceptive?


 The properties of an ideal contraceptive are as follows:

  • user friendly
  • easily available 
  • effective and reversible with no or least side effects.
  • it also should in no way interfere with the sexual drive or sexual desire.

Question 2: What are the merits and demerits of natural methods of contraception over artificial methods?



  1. They do not cause any side effects.
  2. They do not interfere with the sexual drive or sexual desire.
  3. They are cost effective
  4.  They do not involve any surgical interventions.
  5. They are reversible unlike artificial methods like vasectomy and tubectomy. 


  1. less effective 
  2. very high failure rate.

Question 3: Write the way of action of hormonal pills.


Hormonal pills act in four ways:

  • Inhibition of ovulation.
  • Alteration in the uterine endometrium makes it unsuitable for implantation.
  • Changes in cervical mucus impair its ability to allow passage and transport of sperms.
  • Inhibition of motility and secretary activity of fallopian tube.

Question 4: Why progesterone estrogen combination pills are better than only progesterone-containing pills?


The absence of a menstrual cycle in females leads to problems like vomiting, nausea, and a decrease in Basal metabolic rate. Only progesterone-containing pills stop the menstrual cycle while progesterone estrogen combination pills maintain menstrual flow only and thus body feels like the menstrual cycle is occurring and show no side effects.

Question 5: Why Vasectomy is not effective immediately?


Vasectomy is not effective immediately because sufficient sperms are present in the upper tract of the sperm duct (ampullary duct), so if intercourse occurs it will lead to fertilization. The life of sperm is about 3-4 days, so this contraceptive method is effective after 3- 4 days of surgery when the already present sperms will die.

Question 6: What are the side effects of contraceptive methods?


The side effects of contraceptive methods are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Breakthrough bleeding
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding
  • Breast cancer etc.

Contraceptive Methods

Reproductive health means total well-being in all aspects of reproduction, i.e., physical, emotional, behavioral, and social. “Reproductive health” this chapter deals with problems due to population explosion, strategies for birth control, medical termination of pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. Though in this article, we will be focusing on the topic of birth control, its need, and different types of birth control methods.

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Question 1: What should be the properties of an ideal contraceptive?...