
Q1: What is Corrosion? 


The reaction of any metal with the oxygen and water from the surrounding making more stable oxides and the hydroxides of the metal is called corrosion. The rusting of iron is an example of corrosion.

Q2: What are Ways to Prevent Corrosion?


Various ways to prevent corrosion are,

  • Painting, oiling, and greasing iron products prevent the metal from being exposed to air and water. Corrosion is therefore avoided.
  • Galvanisation of the metal, it is the process of coating iron and steel things with a thin layer of zinc to protect them as zinc does not corrode easily.
  • Making alloy of the metals.

Q3: What are Factors Affecting Corrosion?


Various factors affecting the corrosion are,

  • Position of metals in Electrochemical Series
  • Impurities in Metals
  • Presence of Electrolytes
  • Concentration of Oxygen
  • Humidity of Air, etc.

Q4: What are Types of Corrosion?


There are various types of corrosion that include,

  • Uniform Corrosion
  • Pitting Corrosion
  • Crevice Corrosion
  • Galvanic Corrosion
  • Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • Intergranular Corrosion
  • Dealloying
  • Erosion Corrosion

Q5: What is Tarnishing of Silver?


Tarnishing of silver is a chemical process between the silver and sulphur-containing chemicals in the air. When silver is combined with sulphur, silver sulphide is created. Tarnishing occurs when a layer of silver sulphide coats the silver metal, turning it black. The reaction of trashing of silver is represented as,

2Ag + H2S →  Ag2S + H2

Q6: What is Rusting of Iron?


The corrosion of iron is called the rusting of iron in this reaction the iron reacts with water and oxygen from the air to form the iron oxide. This reaction is represented as,

Fe2O3 + xH2O → Fe2O3.xH2O

Q7: What is the Effect of Temperature on Corrosion?


The effect of the temperature on the corrosion is that the corrosion increases with the increase in temperature.


Corrosion is a chemical phenomenon that we observe regularly in our daily life. Corrosion occurs in metal and in corrosion reaction metal react with air and moisture from the surrounding to form the more stable compounds of the atom that include oxides and hydroxides.

Generally, rusting of iron is also an example of corrosion as rusting iron reacts with oxygen and moisture from the air to form iron oxide (rust). Corrosion reactions of various metals can be easily achieved by allowing the metal to react freely with moist air. In this article, we will learn about, Corrosion, its types, examples and others in detail.

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