FAQs On Databases in AzureSQL

1.    How Can We Prevent The Accidental Deletion Of A Database In The SelectingAzure Portal?

When working with an Azure SQL database, it’s common to face situations like accidental deletion. In such cases, we can use Microsoft Azure’s Resource Locks services to help protect our data. It can aid in preventing accidental deletion or modification of the database.

2. How Can We Find Out Who Deleted The Database In The Azure Portal?

The service Azure Activity Log can be used to monitor database deletion operations. This option makes it simple to keep track of all activities carried out within any database. Simply select Activity Log under Monitor to access this option.

3. What Happens To The Backup Of A Deleted Database In The Azure Portal?

After the deletion date, the backup of a deleted database is kept for seven days. Within this period, the database can be restored using the backup if needed. The backup will be deleted permanently after seven days automatically.

4. How Can We Restore a Deleted Database In The Azure Portal?

We can restore the database from the backup vault within the seven-day retention period by enabling geo-redundant backups. We can navigate to the Backup Centre and choose SQL Database to recover the deleted database.

Microsoft Azure – Delete Databases in AzureSQL

Azure SQL Database enables users to build apps more quickly by providing a fully managed SQL database system in which users may install advanced query processing features like high-performance in-memory technologies and intelligent query processing based on their needs. It is also able to work with data in a variety of formats, including relational, graph, JSON, and spatial data.

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FAQs On Databases in AzureSQL

1.    How Can We Prevent The Accidental Deletion Of A Database In The SelectingAzure Portal?...