Differences between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

Which Species of Mosquitoes are Responsible for Dengue Transmission?

The two species responsible for Dengue transmission are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.

What is the Main Physical Difference Between the Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito?

The main difference between Dengue mosquito and normal mosquito is the presence of white stripes on the abdomen and legs of dengue mosquitoes which are absent on normal mosquitoes.

What are the Diseases Caused by Dengue Mosquitoes Other than Dengue?

Other diseases caused by Dengue mosquitoes are yellow fever, chikungunya, and zika.

What is the Time at Which a Dengue Mosquito generally Bites?

Dengue mosquitoes generally bite at day time.

How is the Dengue Virus Transmitted from Person to Person?

When an Aedes female mosquito bites an infected person for a blood meal, it carries the dengue virus in its salivary glands. At the next bite to a healthy person, the mosquito injects its saliva through which dengue virus is transmitted to healthy person.

Difference between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

The primary difference between dengue mosquitoes and normal mosquitoes is their morphology. Dengue mosquitoes have typical white and black stripes or spots on their body whereas normal mosquitoes lack those. Other than these, they differ in their biting habits, egg-laying behaviors, habitat preferences, etc. In this article, we will look into the differences between dengue mosquitoes and normal mosquitoes in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Normal Mosquito?
  • What is a Dengue Mosquito?
  • Difference Between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito
  • Similarities Between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquitoes
  • Conclusion – Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito
  • FAQs on Differences between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

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Conclusion – Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

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FAQs on Differences between Dengue Mosquito and Normal Mosquito

Which Species of Mosquitoes are Responsible for Dengue Transmission?...