
1. Define Distillation?

Distillation is the process of selectively boiling a liquid mixture and then subsequently condensation of the component of the liquid mixture is done. In this technique, the concentration of the liquid mixture increases. It is also used to obtain the pure substance from the mixture.

2. What is Fractional Distillation?

Fractional distillation is a technique for separating individual elements from the mixture using the concept that each component boils at a different temperature.

3. What is the Use of Fractional Distillation?

Fractional distillation is used in separating liquid with near-equal boiling points.

4. What is Water Distillation?

In water distillation, impure water is evaporated leaving the soil impurities in form of inorganic salt. The vapour is then condensed to obtain pure water.

5. What is Destructive Distillation?

Pyrolysis is also referred to as destructive distillation or carbonization. It is the process of thermal decomposition of organic matter at high temperatures, about 900°C.

6. What is Steam Distillation?

Steam Distillation is a technique that is used to separate heat-sensitive components of a mixture. Steam Distillation is achieved by passing the steam through the mixture.

7. What is Vaccum Distillation?

Vacuum Distilation is a type of distillation process that is used to separate mixture with high boling points.

8. What is Zone Distillation?

Zone Distillation is a distillation technique that uses partial melting of substances and then condensating the vapous to obtain pure distillate which further distilled to obtain pure substance.


Distillation is the method of separating mixtures, in which the conversion of a liquid into vapour is afterwards condensed back to liquid form. distillation method is used for the purification of metals. Distillation is preferable where both solid and liquid have to be extracted from the solution. Also known as simple distillation, it is based on the differences noticed in the volatility and corresponding vapour pressures observed in the components of a mixture.

In this article, we will learn about, Distillation Definition, Distillation Process, Types of Distillation and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is Distillation?
  • Distillation Process
  • Equipment needed for Distillation
  • Principle of Distillation
  • Types of Distillation
  • Applications of Distillation

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FAQs on Distillation

1. Define Distillation?...