Docker Alternatives

1. What was used before Docker?

Before the rise of Docker, developers used virtualization applications to build applications. These virtual applications can be Virtual Machines or other applications providing an environment to run the application.

2. Will Docker be used in the Future?

Docker container’s portability, usability, efficiency and scalability make it a go-to choice and with the evolution of development and deployment, Docker will play a major role in the future.

3. What are the alternatives compatible with Docker?

Docker compatible Docker alternatives that can be used along with Docker for better functionality and efficiency are

  1. Podman
  2. Buildah
  3. BuildKit
  4. Kubernetes

Top 10 Docker Alternatives For Software Developers

Imagine you worked hard to create an application with various libraries and dependencies. The application runs smoothly and efficiently on your system. What if want to send the application to someone else’s system? The person would require a whole lot of setup of the application to run it. Even after the setup, a single change in the code and configuration might disrupt the whole application on either of the systems or in the worst case both systems.

That’s when Docker entered the scene. It helps you to efficiently deploy and run your application across various platforms and systems. You can just take a screenshot of your application combined with all the setup intact and send it over to other systems to run it similarly as it is available to you on your local machine. It provides an isolated version of the application to be shared among various systems and platforms.

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FAQs on Docker Alternatives

1. What was used before Docker?...