Epidermal Tissue system

Q: What is the most important function of trichomes?


The epidermal cells have hair-like structures referred to as trichomes. These hairs or trichomes support in protecting the plant from sunlight and outer injuries.

Q: What are the stomata?


Stomata are cell structures in the epidermis of tree leaves and needles that help plants exchange carbon dioxide and water with the atmosphere.

Q: What is the function of the epidermal tissue system in plants?


The main function of the epidermis is to protect the inner tissues from injury, heat, cold, and attacks by parasites, fungi, bacteria, etc.

Q: Describe guard cells?


Guard cells are kidney-shaped cells that surround the stomata. They regulate the opening and closing of the stomata.

Epidermal Tissue System: Its Functions and Tissue in Plant

The epidermal tissue system includes several differentiated cell types including epidermal cells, guard cells, subsidiary cells, and epidermal hairs (trichomes). The epidermis tissue system performs numerous functions: such as preventing water loss, regulating gas exchange, secreting metabolic substances, and absorbing water and mineral nutrients

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Stomata are found in the aerial parts of leaves and plants. Each stoma is surrounded by two crescent-shaped or kidney-shaped guard cells. The inner wall of guard cells is thick and the outer wall is thin. The guard cells are alive and contain chloroplasts. The guard cells control the opening and closing of the stomata. The guard cells also perform the function of food preparation due to chloroplasts. Due to this, the solution inside it becomes more concentrated, and due to this cells become swollen by absorbing water from the neighboring cells by endosmosis. Due to this, these cells become turgid i.e. due to filling with water, they spread outwards and stomata open. At night the sugar in the cell-sap of these cells is converted into starch. Starch being insoluble in water, the viscosity of the cell membrane in the guard cells is less than in the cells of the neighboring epidermis, thus they lose water by exosmosis and become flaccid. it goes In this way the stomata get closed....

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FAQs on Epidermal Tissue system

Q: What is the most important function of trichomes?...