Flora and Fauna

What is flora?

The plant life found in one particular area and are naturally occurring as well as indigenous native plant are known as flora.

What is fauna?

Fauna refers to all the animal species which is found in one particular region at a particular time and usually are naturally occurring animal species of one particular area.

What is the classification of flora and fauna?

Flora has been classified into native flora, agricultural, horticultural and weed. Fauna is classified into various categories like cryofauna, cryptofauna, infauna, microfauna etc.

What is the difference between flora and fauna?

Flora refers to all plant and fauna refers to all anumal life in a particular area. Fauna are not able to prepare their food and are depended on flora for food production and consumption.

What is the importance of flora and fauna?

Flora and fauna are part of the ecosystem and are also interdependent on each other for their survival and the ecosystem becomes imbalance if there is any adverse situation on flora or fauna, like that of extinction.

List the prominent flora and fauna of India.

Important flora species include pines, deodars, lotus, milkworts, spiderwort etc. and prominent fauna include Bengal tiger, Asian elephant, snow leopard etc.

Flora and Fauna

An ecosystem refers to a complex structure of the interconnected network, which comprises biotic and abiotic elements. The Biotic elements include all living organisms which include plants, animals, and also microorganisms. The abiotic elements include non-living beings which are important for survival and include soil, water, and climate, and among the biotic elements, the most important are the flora and fauna.

Flora and Fauna

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