G4 Countries

1. Which countries are a part of G4?

The G4 comprises of Brazil, India, Japan and Germany. The G4 has been formed in order to support each other’s bids to secure a permanent seat in the UNSC (United Nations Security Council) and bring a reform in it.

2. Why are the G4 countries demanding a permanent seat in the UNSC?

The G4 countries believe that inclusion of developing countries would bring about better changes and solutions for matters of international importance such as peace and security. This would help in preventing geopolitical crisis.

3. Is India a permanent member of the UNSC?

No. India is not a permanent member of the UNSC but it has served as a non-permanent member 8 times each for two years. The current two years tenure of India ended on 31st December, 2023.

4. Which countries are in support of the UNSC?

Countries such as US, China, Russia, UK are in support of India. China being in support with India only if it does not support Japan and wishes that India leaves the side of Japan as Japan is a country that disrupted the world on extremes during World War II.

5. When was the latest meeting of G4 held?

The latest meeting of G4 was held on 21st September, 2023. This meeting came out with suggestions to include text based negotiations with a limited time bounded period and that the developing countries too needed to be included in the UNSC.

6. Where is the headquarter of G4 Countries?

Each of the G4 countries has its own capital city where its government operates:

  1. India: New Delhi
  2. Brazil: Brasília
  3. Germany: Berlin
  4. Japan: Tokyo

7. What is the purpose of G4 Countries?

The primary goal of G4 Countries is to secure permanent seats on the UNSC, which is currently dominated by five permanent members with veto power. The G4 nations argue that the UNSC needs to be more inclusive and representative of the contemporary global landscape.

8. Is India a G4 Country?

Yes, India is one of the G4 countries. The Group of Four (G4) consists of Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan. These nations have formed a coalition to advocate for reforms in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and strive for permanent seats on the council.

9. What are the G4 economies?

The G4 economies are:

  • United States (U.S.)
  • China
  • Japan
  • Germany

G4 Countries – Group of 4 Countries

G4 countries, also known as Group of four countries, is a coalition of four influential countries— India, Japan, Brazil & Germany that united in their pursuit of reforming the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). This alliance emerged in the late 20th century as a response to the perceived need for more inclusive and representative decision-making within the UN, particularly in the Security Council, which plays a crucial role in global peace and security.

In this article, we will cover the G4 Countries, along with their formation, demands, challenges, and G4 countries summit.

Table of Content

  • What are G4 Countries?
  • When was G4 founded?
  • Why was G4 formed – Need for G4 Countries
  • Demands of G4 Countries
  • India as a member of G4 Countries
  • Why is India Demanding the Permanent Membership of the UNSC?
  • Challenges faced by G4 Countries
  • G4 Countries Summit, 2023

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G4 Countries Summit, 2023

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Summary – G4 Countries

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FAQs on G4 Countries

1. Which countries are a part of G4?...