Human Eye

1. What is the Function of Our Eyes?

Eye is the sensary organ that allow us to see.

2. What are Parts of Eye?

Various parts of Eyes are,

  • Sclera
  • Cornea
  • Iris
  • Pupil
  • Lens
  • Retina
  • Optic nerves

3. What is a Blind Spot?

At the junction of the retina and the optic nerve, there are no sensory nerve cells and if the light ray falls on that point no image is formed. This junction point is called the Blind Spot.

4. What are Lens?

A transparent optical instrument that allows light to pass through it is called the lens. It is used to converge or diverge the light at a point. The human eye also has a lens.

5. What are Types of Optic Nerves?

The optic nerve carries information from the retina to the brain. They are of two types,

  • Cones
  • Rods

6. What is Eye Disease Called?

Some Eyes disases are,

  • Cataract
  • Myopia
  • Hypermetropia
  • Astigmatism

7. Do Human Eyes Grow with Age?

No, the human eye does not grow after the birth of the child.

8. What is Range of Vision of Human Eye?

The range of the human eye is,

  • Far Range of Human Eye: Infinity
  • Near Range of Human Eye: 25 cm

Human Eye

Human eye is one of the most beautiful and complex human organs. This is used to see various objects. The eye allows us to see the beautiful world around us. It allows us to see various colors, visualize various objects, and help to identify various objects around us. We can compare the human eye to the camera that we see in our daily lives on our phones, laptops, tablets, and others.

Human eye can be called the living camera that transfers information about our surroundings to the brain so our brain can process this information and allow us to see the surroundings. In this article, we will learn about the human eye, its structure, its workings, and others in detail.

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FAQs on Human Eye

1. What is the Function of Our Eyes?...