India-China Relations

Define Indo-China relations.

India- China Relations or the Sino-Indian Relations refers to the bilateral relationship between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) & the Republic of India. Both the countries today play an essential role in the entire world. 

How does Beijing view New Delhi as, at present?

At present, China aims at establishing a cordial relationship with India, setting aside contentious issues such as the unresolved border dispute. China conducts business-as-usual diplomacy & commerce with India. Its leaders perceive India as an over-sized middle power with great power pretentions. Recently, Beijing sees New Delhi as a major threat to national security & as an obstacle in China being the dominant Asian power.

What is the border between India & China known as?

India & China’s border is called the McMahon Line. The then, foreign secretary of the British-run Government of India & the chief negotiator of the convention at Shimla, Sir Henry McMahon drew the McMahon line.

Define China’s Belt & Road initiative.

China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is a strategy initiated by the People’s Republic of China which aims to connect Asia with Africa & Europe via land & maritime networks. This will improve regional integration, increase trade & stimulate economic growth. India-China bilateral relationship have suffered setbacks due to this as well.

What are the areas of concern between Indo-China?

There are several issues of concern between India & China’s relations. Since the beginning, India has opposed the Belt Road Initiative, citing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor on the grounds & with proof, that it violates its sovereignty. China is not in favour of India being a permanent member in the NSG & the UN Security Council. It has opposed this. India has a significant trade imbalance with China. India’s military & commercial activities in the South China Sea have alarmed China. The increasing Chinese actions in the Indian Ocean, have also been a constant source of worry for India. Overall, these issues of conflict between India-China can be solved through dialogue & discussion & mutual cooperation.

India-China Relations

India gained independence in 1947, meanwhile, China came to be known & rose as the People’s Republic of China on 1st October 1949. India became the 1st non-communist country to establish an embassy in China. Since 1950, both India & China have had diplomatic relations. The Panchsheel Agreement (Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence) was established by India & China jointly in 1954. Annually, India & China celebrate the 1st of April as the establishment of diplomatic relations which began in 1950.

India-China Relations

Table of Content

  • Current Status of India-China Relations
  • Indian Community in China
  • What is the near-term outlook for the relationship?

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Current Status of India-China Relations

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Relations between India and China

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Indian Community in China

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What is the near-term outlook for the relationship?

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FAQs on India-China Relations

Define Indo-China relations....