Industrialization in the Colonies

Q 1. Why did technological progress in the United Kingdom take so long? Give only one explanation.


Because technology was expensive and merchants and manufacturers were reticent to use it, technical advancements in the United Kingdom were slowed.

Q 2. Why did certain nineteenth-century European entrepreneurs prefer manual labour to machines?


In companies such as gas plants and breweries, whose production fluctuated with the seasons, hand labour was typically preferred over equipment.

Q 3. What was the advantage of Spinning Jenny?


Spinning Jenny speed up the spinning process while decreasing labour requirements. A worker may activate several spindles and spin multiple threads at the same time by rotating a single wheel.

Q 4. Mention just one cause of conflict between weavers and gomasthas.


The gomasthas were social misfits with no long-term links to the village. They acted arrogantly, marched into villages with sepoys and peons, and punished weavers for supply delays, lashing and flogging them often.

Q 5. Where did the workers come from in general to work in factories?


The bulk of industrial regions recruited labour from nearby districts; for example, the Kanpur mills drew the majority of their textile employees from villages inside the Kanpur district.

Industrialization in the Colonies

Proto- industrialization refers to the period before the coming of factories in the UK and Europe. Large-scale industrial manufacturing on a non-factory basis for the international market was used. European merchants rushed to the countryside in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, providing money and kinds to peasants and artisans in exchange for their products to sell on the international market.

Merchants were constrained in their ability to expand their output inside cities because kings granted distinct guilds the monopolistic right to make and sell specific products. Peasants and artisans in the countryside agreed to stay in the countryside and cultivate their little plots. Thus, the proto-industrial system was connected to a network of merchant-run commercial exchanges.

Industrialization in Colonies

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