Inelastic Collision

What is Inelastic Collision?

An inelastic collision is a type of collision in which momentum is conserved but kinetic energy is not. During an inelastic collision, the objects typically deform or stick together.

What is a perfectly Inelastic Collision?

Perfectly inelastic collision is a specific type of inelastic collision where the objects stick together after the collision.

Differentiate between Elastic and Inelastic collisions.

The main differences between elastic and inelastic collisions lie in the conservation of kinetic energy and deformation or sticking together of objects. Kinetic energy is conserved for elastic collisions only, and sticking or deformation occurs in inelastic cases only.

Is Momentum Conserved in Inelastic Collision?

Yes, momentum is conserved in an inelastic collision.

Is Kinetic Energy Conserved in Inelastic Collision?

In an inelastic collision, kinetic energy is not conserved. Some kinetic energy is lost and transferred to another object in an inelastic collision. Friction within the system is the cause of this kinetic energy loss.

What are Some Example of Perfectly Inelastic Collision?

Here are a few instances of collisions that are perfectly inelastic: Following an accident, two railway cars stay together. When two balls of clay collide and stick together.

Inelastic Collision

Inelastic Collision is a type of collision where momentum is conserved, but kinetic energy is not. In such collisions, the colliding objects stick together, and some kinetic energy is transformed into other forms like vibrational energy or heat. This results in a loss of kinetic energy, which may transform into heat, sound, or deformation.

In this article, we will discuss all details related to inelastic collision such as definition, its types, examples, etc.

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FAQs on Inelastic Collision

What is Inelastic Collision?...