Italian Fascism

Who was the founder of fascism in Italy?

Benito Mussolini was an Italian dictator who laid the foundation for Italian Fascism.

What did Mussolini promise to Italy?

Mussolini promised the Italian citizens end of their political and economic hardships. He promised to restore the old glory of Rome.

How long did Mussolini rule?

Mussolini ruled from 1922-1925 as the Prime Minister of Italy. From 1925-1943, he ruled Italy as a fascist dictator.

How did Italian Fascism end?

In 1943, British and American Allies defeated Italy in North Africa, occupied Sicily and started bombing Rome. This turned the Italians against Mussolini. King Victor Emmanuel ordered to arrest him. While he did manage to escape, he was later on captured by anti-fascist Italian fighters and shot on April 28, 1945.

What is the symbol of fascism in Italy?

The original symbol of Fascism as adopted by Benito Mussolini was the ‘fasces.’ It was symbolized by an axe with tied sticks as its handle. It represented the unity and bond of the individual to the core power of the State.

Italian Fascism: Mussolini & Unification

Italian Fascism is a complex political ideology that surfaced during the interwar period (1918-1939). Also known as classical fascism, this ideology emerged as a political movement led by Benito Mussolini. Fascism found its root in the widespread dissatisfaction due to economic turmoil, social unrest, and political instability after World War I. Italian fascism promoted hyper-nationalism and the restoration of the old glory days and national pride. Though started in Italy, fascism soon spread to other nations as well.

In this article, let us explore the 20th-century political ideology of Italian fascism.

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