Language Processors: Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter

What is the difference between language processor and operating system?


Languages like Fortran and COBOL contain language processors. Device drivers, kernels, and other software are all part of an operating system (or OS), a collection of software that enables users to interact with computers.

What is Language Processor System?


Preprocessors, compilers, assemblers, loaders, and links are a group of programs that work together to translate source code written in a high level language, such as Java or C++, into executable target machine code.

How many phases are there in language processor?


There are mainly two phases available in language processor.

  • Analyzing the source program.
  • Synthesizing the target program.

Language Processors: Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter

Computer programs are generally written in high-level languages (like C++, Python, and Java). A language processor, or language translator, is a computer program that convert source code from one programming language to another language or to machine code (also known as object code). They also find errors during translation.

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FAQs on Language Processors: Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter

What is the difference between language processor and operating system?...