List of Books Written by Marco Polo

Which is the most famous book of Marco Polo?

Travels of Marco Polo is the most famous book written by Marco Polo.

Travels of Marco Polo has been written by whom?

The Travels of Marco Polo had been written by Marco Polo himself, and Rustichello da Pisa.

In how many languages has this book been translated?

The Travels of Marco Polo has been translated into around 150 languages.

Who was Rustichello da Pisa?

Rustichello da Pisa was a prisoner who encountered Marco Polo in the same cell in the prison and from there Marco Polo started to recite his tales and Rustichello da Pisa wrote them.

Who asked Rustichello da Pisa to get the book published?

Genghis Khan, the then ruler of the Mongol Empire stated Rustichello da Pisa to finish the book and then publish it as he was eager to know about the travelling of Marco Polo and tell others too.

List of Books Written by Marco Polo

List of Books Written by Marco Polo: Marco Polo was an explorer, merchant, traveler, and voyager who traveled all through Asia and other countries and continents. He was from Venice, Italy, and is renowned for traveling Asia through the Silk Road, where all businesses took place. It was a business road, where products were transferred from one region to another and which finally was received in China. Marco Polo set out to find out where the products reached and their final destination.

This article covers some of the books written by Marco Polo in which his love for traveling was displayed and the history of books written by him.

Table of Content

  • List of Books Written by Marco Polo
  • History of Books Written by Marco Polo
  • Summary – List of Books Written by Marco Polo
  • FAQs on List of Books Written by Marco Polo

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