
1. What is Microtubule?

A microtubule is a small polymerized tubular structure made up of tubulin proteins. It is an essential part of the cell structures along with the microfilaments and intermediate filaments.

2. What are the Functions of Microtubules?

Microtubules play a major role in cell division, cell movement, maintaining cell shape, and intracellular transport and communication.

3. Which Proteins make Microtubules?

The microtubule is composed of two similar globular protein subunits: α-tubulin and β-tubulin. The α-tubulin form pairs or heterodimers and β-tubulin form pairs.

4. What are the Types of Microtubules?

Three types of microtubules are present. These microtubules are associated with mitosis and are astral, polar, and kinetochore.

5. What is the Structure of a Microtubule?

Microtubules are rigid, hollow rods about 25 nm in diameter, and 200 nm-25 m long. These rods are composed of two similar globular protein subunits: α-tubulin and β-tubulin.

Microtubules: Structure & Function

Microtubules are small polymerized tubular structures made up of tubulin proteins. Microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments are the important parts of the cytoskeleton. Microtubule is an important component of cell structure in plant and animal cells. It plays a major role in the functions of a variety of processes including cell division, cell movement, maintaining cell shape, etc.

These are rigid, hollow rods made up of α-tubulin and β-tubulin proteins that create protofilaments for polar microtubule formation. There are three types of microtubules involved in mitosis, namely astral, polar, and kinetochore. Kinesin and dynein are microtubule-associated proteins that make the internal transport network of cells.

Table of Content

  • What are Microtubules?
  • Structure of Microtubules
  • Properties of Microtubules
  • Functions of Microtubules
  • Types and Functions of Microtubules Associated with Mitosis

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Conclusion – Microtubules

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