Mid-Day Meal Scheme and its Challenges

1. What is the new name of Mid-Day meal Scheme?


The Mid Day Meal Scheme is an Indian school lunch program created to improve the nutritional status of school-age children across the country. The program is currently known by the name POSHAN Scheme.

2. When was the Mid-day Meal Scheme launched?


The Mid-Day Meal Scheme was launched in India on August 15, 1995, as part of the ‘National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE).’ In October 2007, the NP-NSPE was renamed the ‘National Programme of Mid-Day Meal in Schools,’ also known as the Mid-Day Meal Scheme. Recently, India’s Vice President advocated including milk in children’s mid-day meals.

3. What are the models of implementation of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme?


It is carried out using one of three models:

  • Decentralized model – Meals prepared on-site by local cooks, self-help groups, and so on.
  • Centralized model – Instead of local on-site cooks, an external entity makes food and delivers it to schools in this model.
  • International aid – A variety of international charitable groups assist government schools.

4. Which ministry launched the Mid-Day Meal Scheme?


The scheme was implemented by the Ministry of Education (formerly known as the Ministry of Human Resources and Development).

5. What is PM Poshan Yojana?


The Ministry of Education’s Department of School Education & Literacy sponsors PM POSHAN at the national level. Under this program, students attending government and government-aided schools will receive one hot, home-cooked meal per day.

Mid-day Meal Scheme And Its Challenges

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme is an Indian school lunch program created to improve the nutritional status of school-age children across the country. The program is now renamed as POSHAN Scheme. Children in government primary and upper primary schools, government-aided Anganwadis, Madarsa, and Maqtabs receive free lunches on working days as part of the program.

Table of Contents:

  • What is the Mid-Day Meal Scheme?
  • The Goal of the Mid-day Meal Scheme
  • Implementation of the Mid-day Meal Scheme
  • Features of the Mid-day Meal Scheme
  • Challenges of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme
  • Criticism of the Mid-day Meal Scheme
  • FAQs on the Mid-Day Meal Scheme and its Challenges

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