
Question 1: What is mutation?


The mutation is a process in which the DNA genetic sequences get changed. As a result, there will be some malfunctioning DNA will present in the body. This will hamper some necessary processes in the body. And there will be certain changes in the body.

Question 2: What are mutagens?


There are certain agents or elements are present that are required for the mutation process. This means they are the foreign factors affecting the mutation process. They are known as the Mutagens. UV Rays are considered one of the mutagens.

Question 3: Do all mutations are inheritable?


No, all the mutations are not inheritable. Some mutations happen to the body cells or somatic cells. Those mutations are not inheritable. This means those mutations will not appear in the next generation. That type of mutation is known as the Somatic mutation.

Question 4: State the beneficiary effect name of the mutation process.


The beneficiary effect of the mutation process is the Evolution process. The evolution process is derived from the mutation process. The mutation process helps to develop certain traits that help to survive in nature. So, they help to create new species.

Question 5: What are Germline Mutations?


A germline mutation is a mutation that happens to the reproductive cells like in Sperm cells & Egg cells. Their mutations are inheritable. This means these mutations can be shared with the next generation. So, if there is any faulty mutation happens, it might cause serious effects.


The human body might be visualized as a simple organism. But it is the combination of different complex processes. From the outside, a human body might resemble a very simple one. A body that has two arms, two legs & one head for monitoring purposes. But from the inside of the body, there are many surprises still present for scientists. One of the major surprises was the Genetic Sequence of humans. This is still a field where scientists are working to find out some important details. Genes or DNA are the micro-controlling areas in the human body. They are most important than the brain. As the brain is also functioning with the help of DNA & its sequences. Any changes in this structure might be fatal for the body. Mutation is one type of change in DNA.

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General Characteristics of Mutation

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Role of Mutation

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Classification and types of Mutation

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Importance of Mutation

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Effects of Mutation Process

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FAQs on Mutation

Question 1: What is mutation?...