Permanent Tissue

Question 1: What are the Special Permanent tissues?


These tissues are modified structurally and are organized in a particular manner to perform a specific function. For example one of the function of special permanent tissue is secretion of some materials like latex. They are originally formed from meristematic tissue and once they mature they convert to perform specific function. These tissues consist of thin-walled, elongated cells with multiple nuclei.

Question 2: How is the Plant tissue system divided?


A cell is the smallest building block of any organism. A group of cells together forms a tissue, and a group of tissue combine to form an organ. The plant tissue system is broadly divided into two types: meristematic tissue and permanent tissue(non-meristematic tissue).

Question 3: Define Meristematic tissue.


The meristematic tissue consists of undifferentiated cells (meristematic cells) capable of cell division. These cells can further develop into other tissues and organs that are found in plants. These cells continue to divide till they lose the ability to divide any further and become differentiated.

Question 4: Define Permanent tissue.


Permanent tissue is defined as a group of living or dead cells formed from the meristematic tissue that has now lost the ability to divide and now have become fixed at a place permanently. These plant tissues take up a specific role after they have lost the ability to divide. The process by which they lose their ability to divide and retain a permanent shape and size and perform a specific function is known as cellular differentiation.

Question 5: Explain the classification of complex permanent tissues.


The main purpose of these complex permanent tissues is the transportation of water and minerals, due to these tissues are also known as conducting and vascular tissues. It is further divided into two types:

  • Xylem: It acts as the chief conducting tissue for the plants. It is responsible for the transportation of water and other inorganic solutes. It is divided into tracheids, vessels, xylem fiber and xylem parenchyma. 
  • Phloem: The phloem is used to transport food minerals that are dissolved in water. It transports food and minerals both upwards and downwards. It is divided into a sieve tube, Companion cell, Phloem fiber, and Phloem parenchyma.

Permanent Tissues

Plants, just like animals are multicellular eukaryotes. This means that they consist of cells, tissues, and organs each with a special unique function to carry out. A cell is the smallest building block of any organism. A group of cells together forms a tissue, and a group of tissue combine to form an organ. Plants belong to the Plantae kingdom, which consists of all organisms which are not plants including fungi and algae.

The plant tissue system is broadly divided into two types: meristematic tissue and permanent tissue(non-meristematic tissue). The meristematic tissue consists of undifferentiated cells(meristematic cells) capable of cell division. These cells can further develop into other tissues and organs that are found in plants. These cells continue to divide till they lose the ability to divide any further and become differentiated. Differentiated plant cells can not divide any further or produce any more cells. 

Permanent tissue is defined as a group of living or dead cells formed from the meristematic tissue that has now lost the ability to divide and now have become fixed at a place permanently. These plant tissues take up a specific role after they have lost the ability to divide. The process by which they lose their ability to divide and retain a permanent shape and size and perform a specific function is known as cellular differentiation. They are further divided into two types: Simple Permanent Tissue, Complex Permanent Tissue.


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