Plant Classification

What are the Five Major Classification of Plants?

The plants are mainly divided into five subgroups. They are- Thallophyta, Bryophyta, pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.

Who Proposed the Term “Classification”?

The term “Classification” was given by Theophrastus. He also classified the plants based on size, use, and locality of a plant.

What are the Characters Based on Which Plants can be Classified?

Plants can be classified based on three main characters. They are presence or absence of vascular system, presence or absence of seeds and if the plant body is properly differentiated into root, stem and leaves or not.

Why are the Seven Main Types of Plants?

Plants can be of various types. The seven main types of plants are Thallophytes, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, monocots and dicot plants.

Why is Plant Classification Important?

Plant classification is important because it helps us to identify and name any plant properly. It also helps us to study the evolutionary relationship between various plants. 

Where can I Find Plant Kingdom Class 11 Notes?

You can find Plant Kingdom Class 11 notes in the article above.

What are the Different Systems of Plant Classification?

The different systems of plant classification include the Linnaean system, the Cronquist system, and the APG system, each organizing plants based on various criteria such as morphological characteristics, evolutionary relationships, and genetic similarities.

Plant Classification

Plant Classification plays a major role in understanding the different plant structures and their lifecycle. Based on various characteristics, R.H. Whittaker classified living organisms into five kingdoms which are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

The members of the kingdom Plantae show certain characteristics like they are eukaryotic, multicellular, and can perform photosynthesis. Plants can be classified based on their life cycle and other features. The division of the Plantae kingdom consists of two major categories- Cryptograms and Phanerogams. Students need to study the different divisions of plants to understand the importance of plant classification.

Table of Content

  • What is Plant Classification?
  • Characteristics of Kingdom Plantae
  • Plant Classification Based on Life Cycle
  • Division of Plantae Kingdom
  • Cryptograms and Their Classification
  • Phanerogams and their Classification
  • Importance of Plant Classification

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Conclusion: Plant Classification

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