Prithviraj Chauhan

Q 1. In which year did Prithviraj Chauhan die?


Prithviraj Chauhan died in the year 1192.

Q 2. Who killed Prithviraj Chauhan?


Muhammad of Ghor killed Prithviraj Chauhan.

Q 3. Who ruled after Prithviraj Chauhan?


Prithviraj Chauhan was succeeded by his son Govindraja IV. He moved to Rathambhor and created a powerful Chauhan Kingdom there.

Q 4. At which place Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan?


Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan at the Second Battle of Tarain.

Q 5. Who refused to help Prithviraj Chauhan?


Jayachandra, ruler of Kannauj was a relative of Prithviraj Chauhan but were enemies and he refused to help Prithviraj against Mohammad Ghori.

Prithviraj Chauhan | पृथ्वीराज चौहान

Prithviraj III, also known as Prithviraj Chauhan or Rai Pithora, was one of the most well-known and greatest Rajput rulers of all time. He is one of the most famous rulers of the Chauhan dynasty, who ruled the Sapada Baksha. The present-day states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and some parts of Punjab were ruled by him. There has been a conflict among historians, of whether he kept Ajmer as his capital or many folk legends describe him as king of India’s political center Delhi.

Prithviraj Chauhan

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