Respiration in Plants

1. What is Respiration in Plants? 


All cells are supplied with oxygen as it diffuses into the stomata from the air and this process is called repiration in plants. Additionally, carbon dioxide diffuses from the stomata. The bark of woody stems has lenticels for gaseous exchange. All inner cells receive oxygen that diffuses into the woody stem and reaches them for respiration.

2. How Respiration takes place in Leaves? 


Stomata are part of leaves. The gaseous exchange takes place by stomata-mediated diffusion. Every stomata is regulated by guard cells. When the stoma between the inferior of leaves and the atmosphere is closed and opened, gases are exchanged. 

3. What are the Steps of Respiration in Plants? 


Glycolysis, the first process, takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell without the usage of oxygen. The Krebs Cycle, which takes place in the mitochondria and consumes oxygen to produce the waste product, carbon dioxide, is the second phase. Oxidative phosphorylation serves as the culmination of cellular respiration.

4. Why do Plants Respire at Night? 


During the course of their nighttime respiration, plants exhale carbon dioxide, take in oxygen, and oxidize food that has been stored. For this reason, it is advised against spending the night under a tree.

5. Why is Respiration Important in Plants?


All plant tissues must breathe in order to grow and remain healthy. Additionally, respiration is crucial for the global carbon cycle as well as the carbon balance of individual cells, entire plants, and ecosystems.

Respiration In Plants Class 11 Notes

In plants, respiration is the mechanism through which energy for plant development is produced by combining oxygen and the sugars created during photosynthesis. Respiration contrasts photosynthesis in several ways. For survival in the natural world, plants make their own food. They create oxygen (O2) and sugars (carbohydrates) from carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, which can then be used as an energy source. Respiration happens in the leaves, stems, and roots of the plant, whereas photosynthesis only occurs in the leaves and stems.

Table of Content

  • Respiration in Plants
  • Difference between Photosynthesis and Respiration
  • Do Plants Breathe?
  • Types of Respiration in Plants
  • Glycolysis
  • Fermentation
  • Oxidative Decarboxylation
  • Krebs Cycle
  • Electron Transport System
  • Respiratory Balance Sheet
  • Amphibolic Pathway
  • Respiratory Quotient
  • FAQs on Respiration in Plants

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