Right to Freedom of Religion in India (Articles 25-28)

1. Why is freedom of religion a right?

The right to practice one’s religion in a peaceful, open environment is protected by religious freedom. It safeguards their right to be authentic at work, in the classroom, and during social interactions. This is why, freedom of religion human rights is considered a right.

2. Explain freedom of religion in India?

According to Article 25 (Conscience-freedom and the free exercise, professing, and propagation of religion), all citizens have the right to the freedom of conscience, as well as the freedom to proclaim, practice, and spread their religion. The above-mentioned liberties are constrained by morality, public health, and public order.

3. What is an example of religious freedom?

Religious freedom may include the freedom to practice one’s religion openly, to express his/her beliefs in public, and to engage in religious activity. Without a compelling reason, public officials cannot prevent someone from practicing religion.

4. What is the importance of right to freedom of religion in India?

The freedom of conscience, professing, practicing, and spreading any religion is guaranteed to all citizens of the nation by Article 25 of the Indian Constitution. This article’s provision is not absolute. If there is a violation of the public’s morals, health, or order, the state is empowered to take a specific action.

5. What are the limitations of freedom of religion?

Religious freedom is guaranteed by the constitutions of many nations, although most of these nations’ laws also include restrictions on how this right may be exercised. Most of these rights are curtailed in the name of “general welfare,” “morality,” “health,” “public order,” “other people’s rights,” etc.

6. Right to freedom of religion short note.

The right to freedom of religion guarantees individuals the freedom to choose, practice, and propagate their religion. It includes the freedom to worship, assemble, and manage religious affairs without interference, ensuring religious tolerance and diversity in society.

7. Religious rights examples

  • Freedom of Worship: The right to practice any religion or belief openly.
  • Religious Assembly: The right to gather and worship collectively.
  • Religious Expression: The freedom to express one’s faith publicly.
  • Religious Education: The right to impart and receive religious teachings.
  • Non-Discrimination: Protection against religious discrimination in various aspects of life.


Right to Freedom of Religion in India (Articles 25-28)

The right to Freedom of religion is one of India’s most significant fundamental rights as a secular nation. According to the Indian constitution, everyone has the right to constitutional religious freedom, which is why it must be protected. Each and every Indian citizen is free to profess, practice, and propagate any religion they desire. Articles 25-28 of the Indian Constitution guarantee this right. In this article, we’ll explore these articles in more detail and talk about how they can affect Indian citizens and religious organizations.

Table of Content

  • What is the Right to Freedom of Religion in India?
  • What is Secularism?
  • Indian and Western Models of Secularism
  • Article 25 (Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice, and propagation of religion)
  • Article 26 (Freedom to Manage Religious Affairs)
  • Article 27 (Freedom from Payments of Tax for the Promotion of any religion)
  • Article 28 (Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction or religious worship in certain educational institutions)
  • FAQs on Right to Freedom of Religion in India (Articles 25-28)

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