Rivers of India

Question 1: What are the 7 major rivers in India?


The 7 major rivers of India include Indus, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Tapi, Godavari, Krishna and Mahanadi.

Question 2: How many rivers are there in India?


There are total 400 rivers and 8 major river systems of India, which are very important for sustaining life and very significance in Indian faiths.

Question 3: Which is the largest river in India?


The largest river of India according to 2022 is Indus river with a length of over 3000 kilometers.

Question 4: Which is the number 1 River in India?


The number 1 River of India is Ganges with length of 2,525 kilometers.

Question 5: Which is the deepest river in India?


The deepest river in India is Brahmaputra river with depths of 380 feet.

List of Major Rivers of India – River System, Map, Names, Longest Rivers

The rivers present in India play a very vital and important role in the economy and society of India. The river system of India provides potable water, irrigation, transportation, and electricity as well as livelihood for Indians. This explains why, most of the important cities since ancient times are situated on the banks of rivers.

Rivers of India

The seven most important rivers of India, which include Indus, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Tapi, Godavari, Krishna, and Mahanadi; along with many of its tributaries account for the river system of India. The drainage of the rivers happens either into the Bay of Bengal or through the western part of the country and also towards the east of the state of Himachal Pradesh towards the Arabian Sea. The major drainage of India originates from either of the following:

  1. The Himalaya and the Karakoram Ranges
  2. Vindhya and Satpura Ranges and Chotanagpur plateau in Central India
  3. Sahyadri or Western Ghats in Western India

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FAQs on Rivers of India

Question 1: What are the 7 major rivers in India?...