Tyndall Effect

Q1: Define Tyndall effect.


The scattering of light (light beam) through a colloidal solution is referred to as the Tyndall effect. When particles in a colloid scatter light beams directed at them, this is known as the Tyndall effect. 

Q2: Which of the following will show the Tyndall Effect?

  • Milk 
  • Salt Solution
  • Starch Solution 
  • CuSO4 Solution


Tyndall effect is shown by Milk and Starch Solution, out of the four given solutions. This is because milk and starch solutions are colloidal solutions. Since milk is a colloidal solution of fat and protein. 

Q3: Does the Starch solution show the Tyndall effect?


The starch solution exhibits a very weak or almost no Tyndall effect because starch is a lyophilic sol and starch solution have very tiny and solvated particles. 

Q4: Who discovered the Tyndall effect?


The Irish physicist John Tyndall discovered (and is named after) the Tyndall effect.

Q5: Does Suspension show the Tyndall effect?


Suspension is the heterogeneous mixtures having particle size > 1000 nm, and scatter in the path of the incident light. These p[articles may settle down later or sooner, then helps to follow the Tyndall effect. Hence, suspension show the tyndall effect. 

Q6: Will Copper Sulphate Solution show the Tyndall effect?


The copper Sulphate Solution does not show Tyndall effect. Because they have particle size less than 1 nm in diameter, which are even not visible to the naked eye. Also, copper sulphate solution is a true solution and all true solutions doesn’t show Tyndall effect.

Q7: What are the properties of colloids?


The properties of a colloid are as follows:

  • A colloid is a mixed substance that is heterogeneous in nature.
  • A colloid’s particles are too small to be seen individually with the naked eye.
  • Colloids are large enough to scatter a light beam passing through them and reveal their path.
  • They do not settle down when left alone, indicating that a colloid is quite stable.

Q8: What is a Tyndall cone?


When light passes through a colloidal solution, the path of light appears to be a bright cone due to Tyndall scattering. This is due to the fact that colloidal particles scatter light in all directions. Tyndall cone is the name given to this cone shape visible path of light.

Tyndall Effect

Tyndall effect is the scattering of light by a colloid or an extremely tiny solution of particles. It is also known as the Tyndall phenomenon and is similar to Rayleigh scattering, in that the intensity of the scattered light is inversely proportional to the wavelength’s fourth power, with blue light being scattered far more intensely than red light.

On the other hand, the Tyndall effect is caused by particles of the same size as the wavelength of light, whereas Rayleigh scattering is caused by particles much smaller than the wavelength of light. The British physicist John Tyndall, who conducted the initial and in-depth studies of this effect, is honored with its name.


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