Wildlife Sanctuary

Q: How is a wildlife sanctuary different from a national park?


While both wildlife sanctuaries and national parks are protected areas, there are some key differences. Wildlife sanctuaries are primarily focused on conserving wildlife and their habitats, whereas national parks are aimed at protecting natural landscapes, ecosystems, and cultural heritage.

Q: Can visitors enter wildlife sanctuaries?


Yes, visitors can often enter wildlife sanctuaries. Many sanctuaries allow controlled eco-tourism activities to generate revenue for conservation efforts. However, access to certain areas might be restricted to minimize disturbance to wildlife.

Q: Is hunting allowed in wildlife sanctuaries?


No, hunting and poaching are strictly prohibited in wildlife sanctuaries. The main objective of these protected areas is to provide a safe and undisturbed habitat for wildlife.

Q: How are wildlife sanctuaries managed?


Wildlife sanctuaries are managed by wildlife authorities or conservation organizations. They oversee the protection of wildlife, habitat management, research, and tourism activities if permitted.

Q: How do wildlife sanctuaries contribute to local communities?


Besides conservation, wildlife sanctuaries can support local communities through eco-tourism, providing employment opportunities, and engaging in community development projects.

Wildlife Sanctuary

The wildlife sanctuary is a protected land area for the conservation and preservation of wildlife and their natural habitats. These areas are established to provide a protected environment, where various plant and animal species can thrive without any human disturbance. These wildlife sanctuaries have played a significant role in preventing many rare species of animals from being extinct.

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