Right Join vs Left Join

1. What happens to the non-matching rows when we use Right Join?

In Right Join, all the non-matching rows from the left-most table are included in the output result and the values are displayed as NULL.

2. Can we use Left Join and Right Join in the same query?

Yes, we can use Left Join and Right Join in the same query. We can also use Inner Join with these 2 Joins. This is referred to as the “Full Outer Join” in DBMS.

3. Whether it is allowed to use LeftJoin and Right Join with more than 2 tables in a database?

Yes, In the database, we can use Left Join and Right Join with more than 2 tables, we need to give the proper join condition in the query.

4. How do the duplicate records been handled by Left Join and Right Join?

Left Join and Right Join handles the duplicate records in the table as a single or individual row and then it includes them in the result or the output.

Difference Between Left Join and Right Join

Database management system or DBMS is the application software that allows us with its feature to store and manage the data which is collected from different types of sources. Now these sources can be from social media, user feedback, real-time generated data, etc.

Database Management System follows the standardized model, which is a relational model and it uses the SQL language which is a Structured Query Language through which the programmers or developers can write the custom query and retrieve or store the data in the database in the form of tables. There can be some scenarios where we need to return the result by combining the two tables.

So for that purpose, joins come into the picture. Joins in the database are used to combine two tables. So in this article, we will go through the detailed information about two types of important joins in DBMS, that is Left Join and Right Join.

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Left Join

Left Join in SQL language is used to retrieve all the data or records from the left table and the matching data or records from the right table. In some cases, if there is no match of data or the record as per the given query by the programmer, then the left join will still display or return the rows from the left table and will show the NULL values for the columns of the right table....

Right Join

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Left Join v/s Right Join

Parameter Left Join Right Join Definition Left Join retrieves all the records and the data from the left table and all matching records from the right table. Right Join retrieves all the records and the data from the right table and all matching records from the left table. Join Keyword Use Here, the “LEFT JOIN” keyword is used. Here, the “RIGHT JOIN” keyword is used. Table Precedence In Left Join, the left table is given higher precedence. In Right Join, the right table is given higher precedence. Matching Rows In Left Join it returns rows from both tables and all the rows from the left table. In Right Join it returns rows from both tables and all rows from the right table. Usage Left Join is more used as compared to Right Join. Right Join is less used as compared to Left Join. Syntax SELECT columns FROM left_table LEFT JOIN right_table ON join_condition; SELECT columns FROM left_tableRIGHT JOIN right_table ONjoin_condition;...

FAQs: Right Join vs Left Join

1. What happens to the non-matching rows when we use Right Join?...