What is Latitude and Longitude

What are latitudes?

Lines of Latitude, likewise called parellels, are nonexistent lines that partition the Earth. They run east to west, yet measure your distance north or south.

What are the important lines of latitudes?

The Arctic Circle (66.5°N)

The Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N)

The Equator (0°)

The Tropic of Capricorn (23.5°S)

The Antarctic Circle (66.5°S)’

How do latitudes and longitudes divide the earth?

Latitudes divide the earth into north and south hemisphere and longitudes divide the earth into east and west hemisphere.

How do latitude and longitude help in navigation?

Understanding latitude and longitude are very important in navigation. Latitude is a north-south position measured from Earth’s Equator and longitude is an east-west position measured from the prime meridian.

How many total latitudes?

There are total 180 latitudes.

How many total longitudes?

There are total 360 longitudes.

What are Longitudes and Latitudes?

Latitude and longitude, in map-making, are a direction framework used to decide and portray the place of any put on Earth’s surface. Latitude is an estimation of an area north or south of the Equator. Interestingly, longitude is an estimation of the area east or west of the great meridian at Greenwich (a nonexistent north-south line that goes through both geographic poles and Greenwich, London, Britain, U.K.). Latitude and longitude together can portray the specific area of any put on The planet. Both Latitude and longitude are estimated in degrees (°), which might be separated into more modest units called minutes (′) and seconds (″). (Or on the other hand, they might be communicated in decimal degrees;

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Table of Content

  • Latitude:
  • The 5 important circles of latitude:
  • Latitudes: Northern and southern hemispheres
  • How is latitude calculated?
  • Longitudes:
  • How is longitude measured?
  • The Prime Meridian:
  • Longitudes: Eastern and western hemispheres:
  • How to read both longitude and latitude?
  • Dividing earth into hemispheres:
  • Importance of latitude and longitude in navigation:
  • Imaginary circles:
  • Did You Know?

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Longitude and latitude are coordinate frameworks that might be utilized to recognize and address the area or position of every point in the world. On a guide or globe, scope is a computation of position south or north of the equator. Longitude is a computation of the distance west or east of the great meridian at London, Greenwich, which is an explicitly characterized made-up north-south line running using both the south as well as north poles and Greenwich, London. The crossing point of scope equals and longitude meridians make a structure or example from which definite directions corresponding to the equator and the great meridian might be laid out....

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