Class 11 General Circulation of the Atmosphere

What is generalized circulation of the atmosphere?

The general circulation of the atmosphere. Hot air rises in the tropics, moves north or south, descends and returns in the equatorial “Hadley cells”. Its path along the surface is bent into the trade winds by the Earth’s rotation (Coriolis Effect). Two other cells in each hemisphere work similarly.

What is the general circulation model of the atmosphere?

General circulation models (GCMs) are mathematical models capable of representing physical processes of the atmosphere and ocean to simulate response of global climate to the increasing greenhouse gas emission (IPCC, 2013).

What are the general directions of atmospheric circulation?

As the air at the surface moves toward the equator, it deviates westwards, again as a result of the Coriolis effect. The air flows at the surface are called the polar easterlies, flowing from northeast to southwest near the north pole and from southeast to northwest near the south pole.

What causes general circulation of the atmosphere?

Atmospheric circulation happens because of the Earth’s surface is unevenly heated, there are big differences in air temperature from the equator to the poles and over different types of terrain. These temperature differences are what cause convection in the atmospheric and air to circulate over the globe.

What are the 3 types of atmospheric circulation called?

In each hemisphere there are three cells including Hadley cell, Ferrel cell and Polar cell in which air circulates through the entire depth of the troposphere.

General Circulation of the Atmosphere| Class 11 Geography Notes

The General Circulation of the Atmosphere is a pattern that says about the wind movements across the Earth or a certain planet. In 1735; English meteorologist George Hadley proposed his modern theory based on the trade winds. The core idea of the General Circulation of the Atmosphere is that the circulation takes place majorly in the equatorial regions where the air density is relatively low. The warm air moves towards the Earth’s poles where it becomes cold and comes back to the equator again. The process is based on different factors like Pressure belts, ITCZ migration, and rotation of the Earth. Hadley cells are the global level scales that push the warm air to high altitudes and maintain the circulation of the Atmosphere.

In this article, we are going to discuss the General Circulation of the Atmosphere in detail.

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