FAQ’S on Buy and By

1. Difference between Buy and By?

Ans: “Buy” is a verb that refers to the act of obtaining or acquiring something in exchange for money or other forms of payment. “By” is a versatile preposition that can have several meanings depending on the context.

2. Usage of by?


  • Used to indicate the way or method in which an action is performed or something is achieved.
  • Express agency, stating the person or thing responsible for an action.
  • Indicate proximity, indicating something is near or beside another thing.

3. Give 3 to 4 examples of Buy?


  • Buy milk.
  • Can I buy that shirt?
  • He wants to buy a car.
  • I need to buy groceries.
  • She likes to buy books.

4. Can “by” indicate time?

Ans: Yes, “by” can indicate a time frame, such as a deadline or the latest acceptable time for completion.

Difference between by and buy

In English language, the words “buy” and “by” have similar pronunciation but both have different meanings and usages. “Buy” is a verb used to indicate the act of purchasing or acquiring while “by” is a preposition used to indicate position or time.

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Definition of by

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Usage of by

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Differences between buy and by



In conclusion, “buy” and “by” are distinct words with different meanings and functions. “Buy” is a verb used to indicate the act of purchasing or acquiring, while “by” is a preposition used to indicate means, method, position, or time....

FAQ’S on Buy and By

1. Difference between Buy and By?...