FastAPI Startup Event

The Startup is the event triggered whenever the user starts the FastAPI app using the following command:

uvicorn main:app --reload

This event is basically handled to declare the variables that should be up at the start of the app. It uses the on_event function available in FastAPI to judge the event trigger.



async def function_name():



  • function_name: It is the function which you want to call while the startup event is triggered.
  • Statement_startup: It is the statement under the startup function that will be executed.

Example: In this example, we have created a function event_startup, that gets triggered on the start of the FastAPI app and prints the date and time when the app has started.


from fastapi import FastAPI
import datetime as dt
app = FastAPI()
# Handle the startup event
async def event_startup():
   print('FastAPI Server started :',


FastAPI – FastAPI Event Handlers

A Python framework that is used for building APIs is called FastAPI. There are some circumstances when the user needs to identify a certain event that happened in the API. This can be done using event handlers in FastAPI. In this article, we will study the various event handlers available in FastAPI.

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