Features of a serverless database

In order to know more about a serverless database, we need to go through some of its features, such as:

  1. Fully managed service: From tasks like database maintenance, storage, scaling, security, and data monitoring to performance optimization and service failures, all are handled by the vendor. Therefore, customers can focus on their own work without worrying about the database.
  2. Instant access to data: Users can access their data at any time, as a serverless database quickly spins up the resources in no time. Similarly, creating a new database cluster is a matter of a few seconds to a few minutes. Overall, the latency is reduced as data can be easily accessed with functions.
  3. High on-demand scalability: In the event of a spike in demand, a serverless database can automatically scale up. If the demand becomes low, computing resources are allocated and the database scales down, which saves resources and thereby reduces costs.
  4. Optimized costs: By using a consumption-based model for billing customers, a serverless database reduces costs to a high degree, as the customers only pay for the resources that they use. It is worth mentioning that the users already save a lot as they don’t pay for the servers, data centers, network, etc.

Top 7 Serverless Databases to Use in 2024

Technology keeps evolving with time, and the same is true for databases. First came the traditional databases, where the users had to set up the database server and manage it themselves. Then came managed databases, where the cloud providers manage the servers, but the users can still configure and tune the behavior of the database. Then came serverless databases, where the cloud providers control most of the server management tasks and the database can be auto-scaled. Here, the user can access the database through an interface and focus on their own code without worrying about database management tasks.

However, there are several serverless databases out there from which businesses can choose, and these databases provide multiple features. This makes it harder for businesses to compare each one of them and select the most optimal one based on their requirements. This article discusses what a serverless database is, its various features, and the top 7 serverless databases that users can use in 2024. Let’s get started.

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